Church Council Chair: Anne Mason
Lay Leader: Tom Hidder
Lay Members of Annual Conference: Anne Mason, Deaconess Amy Reimer, Denny
Roberts, Diane Roberts
Membership Secretary: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Staff-Parish Relations Chair: Andrea Koran
Senior Pastor
Pastor of Children and Youth
Director of Music Ministries
Trinity Church Nursery School Director
Deaconess, Financial Secretary
Assistant Custodian
Church Council Chair: Anne Mason
Lay Leader: Tom Hidder
Lay Members of Annual Conference: Anne Mason, Deaconess Amy Reimer, Denny
Roberts, Diane Roberts
Membership Secretary: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Staff-Parish Relations Chair: Andrea Koran
Trustees Chair: Brian Kittle
Finance Chair: Tom Board
Church Treasurer: Mark Sullivan
Financial Secretary: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Stewardship Chair: Carol Callahan
Children Youth & Family: Rev. Kelli Harrison
Membership Chair: Denny Roberts
Memorial Chair: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Mission Chair: Carol Meynen
Scout Rep.: Va Diep
Church Council typically meets monthly on the third Monday. Contact Anne Mason.
Lay Leadership meets as needed on Sundays. Contact Pastor Brian Smith.
Trustees typically meet monthly on the first Monday. Contact Brian Kittle.
Finance meets quarterly or as needed, typically on the second Tuesday. Contact Tom Board.
Staff-Parish Relations meets quarterly on Mondays. Contact Andrea Koran.
Church Council Chair: Anne Mason
Lay Leader: Tom Hidder
Lay Members, Annual Conference: Anne Mason, Deaconess Amy Reimer, Denny Robert, Diane Roberts
Membership Secretary: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Staff Parish Relations Chair: Andrea Koran
Trustees Chair: Brian Kittle
Finance Chair: Tom Board
Church Treasurer: Mark Sullivan
Financial Secretary: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Stewardship Chair: Carol Callahan
Memorial Chair: Deaconess Amy Reimer
Children Youth and Family Ministries.: Rev. Kelli Harrison
Mission Chair: Carol Meynen
Membership Chair: Denny Roberts
Scout Rep.: Va Diep
Church Council typically meets monthly on the third Monday. Contact Anne Mason.
Lay Leadership meets as needed on Sundays. Contact Pastor Brian Smith.
Trustees typically meet monthly on the first Monday. Contact Brian Kittle.
Finance meets quarterly or as needed, typically on the second Tuesday. Contact Tom Board.
Staff-Parish Relations meets quarterly on Mondays. Contact Andrea Koran.