
We believe each child is a precious individual with a unique pattern of development. Children should love school and feel confident, secure, and challenged as they play, learn and grow in body, mind, and spirit. We are committed to supporting each child as they grow, so that they can thrive.

Contact Director Sue Gaerner on www.trinitychurchnurseryschool.com

For nearly 100 years, Trinity has sponsored Troop 3 of Scouts BSA. Scouts aged 11-17 gather at Trinity to plan activities that include learning outdoor skills, earning merit badges, and planning participation in backpacking, cycling, rock climbing, canoeing and other outdoor activities. The troop meets Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m.

Contact: Scoutmaster Scott Howie at Troop3Wilmette@gmail.com or troop3wilmette.scoutlander.com.

SamaraCare Counseling Center offers psychotherapy with a spiritual foundation. Dr. Kate specializes in depression, anxiety, and transitions through divorce, grief, aging, and sessions are offered both in person and online. Payment options include a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay.

Contact Dr. Kate Philben (kphilben@samaracarecounseling.org or 847-446-6955 x 21.

Open Door AFG (Al-Anon Family Groups) meets 7:45-9:00 pm on Mondays in Trinity’s Library. Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experiences, strength and hope to solve their common problems, in the belief that alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.

Link to northern Illinois Al-Anon Family Groups – niafg.org


Trinity Wilmette houses the Wilmette Food Pantry. The food pantry provides grocery items and seasonal produce to those in need.  No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at the Wilmette Food Pantry.  We distribute food throughout the year, every Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:00 am.  For more, [click here].

Trinity Wilmette has partnered with A Just Harvest Community Kitchen in Rogers Park since 2010, by purchasing, delivering, and serving food for over 100 individuals on the third Friday of every month. Since 1983, A Just Harvest has provided nutritious meals to those in need 365 days a year. This service is supported by partnerships with over 35 religious congregations and community organizations.

Contact Diane Roberts at robert_dv@yahoo.com.

Please click here to sign-up to be a Volunteer Server and for more volunteer information.

Supporting Migrants

The Village of Wilmette is coordinating efforts to support migrants arriving in Wilmette. In addition to winter clothing, residents may drop off new personal hygiene items in designated boxes inside the Wilmette Metra Station, 722 Green Bay Road. For more details, including opportunities to volunteer, [click here].

Click for Donation and Volunteer Opportunities

Since 1999, Trinity Wilmette has sold pumpkins in a community Pumpkin Patch during the entire month of October to raise funds for mission outreach. Staffed by church members, Boy Scout Troop 3, the National Charity League, Trinity Church Nursery School parents, and other community members, Trinity Wilmette’s Pumpkin Patch provides funds to support local and international charities.  For more, [click here].

Contact: Carol Meynen at cmeynen@gmail.com.

HOSPITALITY HOUR: To create a welcoming atmosphere at Trinity Wilmette, we take turns bringing treats for a time of visiting and fellowship after 10:30 worship.  To sign up, [click here].

The Peace Pod Knitters are Trinity Wilmette members and their friends who are enthusiasts of knitting and crocheting. They use their skills to “knit for peace” by creating nurturing items like prayer shawls, scarves, hats, mittens, and baby blankets for church members and charities that serve others in need. 

Contact Amy Reimer at amy@trinitywilmette.org 

Sewing Circle – Beginning after World War II, Trinity members have knitted and crocheted infant blankets, hats and booties, sewn infant quilts and stuffed animals for newborns and infants at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, as well as small tote bags for their mothers. Most items are crafted at home, and the group meets occasionally at Trinity. For information contact Pam: pam-james@northwestern.edu.

Trinity Wilmette members support multiple local, regional, and international missions. Members and visitors are encouraged to participate in episodic and ongoing missions named in this section such as the weekly Wilmette Food Pantry, A Just Harvest “soup kitchen” in Rogers Park, and an ongoing support of a medical mission in Senegal. Mission Trips are offered on occasion to locations within the US and internationally for Trinity Wilmette teens, adults, and families. 

Trinity Wilmette’s Prayer Circle offers up prayers to those members of our community who request them. If you have any private or public prayer requests, or if you would like to participate in the Prayer Circle, please contact Pastor Brian Smith.

Serve on Sundays

Greeters – Welcome visitors at the main sanctuary door before the 10:30 service.
Ushers* – Hand out bulletins to guests and pass the offering plate during service.
Lectors* – Read scripture during worship.
Cross & Flame* – Lead the procession into worship carrying the brass Cross and Flame, a tradition to light the altar candles. Families are encouraged to participate together.
Communion Servers* – Serve communion bread and/or grape juice during monthly services that offer communion.
Sunday School & Confirmation Volunteers – Teach or assist with Sunday School or Confirmation classes.
Confirmation Mentors – Provide support for youth preparing for confirmation through prayer, in worship or attendance at confirmation events.
Hospitality Hosts – Help provide light snacks following the 10:30 service in the Parlor


Serve at Seasonal Events

Vacation Bible School Helper/Teacher* – Assist/teach during four-day Vacation Bible School in summer.
Pumpkin Patch Helper* – Unload and/or sell pumpkins during October to raise money for church missions.
Advent/Christmas Decorating* – Help decorate the Sanctuary for the Christmas season.


Ongoing Service Opportunities

New Member Sponsor – Sponsor new church members by introducing them to others and inviting them to church activities.
Wedding Host/Hostess – Provide logistical support and information to wedding party during weddings at Trinity Wilmette
Gardening Angel – Help plant, tend, and water the Memorial Garden.
Office Helper – Assist the Office Manager with tasks like copying, preparing mailings, filling pew racks, and more.
Membership Support – Join the Membership Team in welcoming visitors and encouraging them to be involved as they become more acquainted with Trinity Wilmette.
Caring Flowers Delivery – Deliver altar flowers to members needing a boost during a challenging time.

*We welcome children and youth to become involved in these activities

To sign up for any of these activities, contact amy@trinitywilmette.com or call Amy at 847-251-7333.