We make joyful music at Trinity Wilmette! Our church is known for its exceptional music, offered during weekly worship and in concerts, accompanied by organist Andrea Handley on Trinity’s outstanding Reuter organ. Twice yearly our talented Chancel Choir presents a special service augmented by guest instrumentalists, conducted by Dr. Julia Davids.
Chancel Choir
Everyone is welcome to join our Chancel Choir, many of whom are music students from Northwestern University. Led by Dr. Julia Davids, choir music enhances weekly services by performing pieces that expand upon scripture and worship themes.
Trinity Ringers
Trinity’s bell choir is led by Andrea Handley and enhances worship services with beautiful seasonal pieces several times each year.
Trinity Youth Choir
All singers from ages 5 to 15 are welcome in Trinity’s Youth Choir. Practice is held on Sundays from 11:45am-12:30pm in the choir room, and the group leads the congregation in musical worship many times throughout the year, including at the Meet Us at the Manger program, on Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday and Mother’s Day. Singers learn the beauty of performing church music while having fun and training their singing skills! Contact Children’s Music Director, AJ Buegel, at annajoysings@gmail.com with any questions and interest.
Trinity Youth Ringers
An off-shoot of the Trinity Youth Choir, this group of youth handchime ringers begins practice in late Fall and leads the congregation in musical worship several times throughout the year. Practice is held from 11:45am-12:30pm in the choir room, and budding youth musicians ages 5-15 are welcome to join. There is no need to read music or know anything about chimes to start; just a promise to have lots of fun as you learn! Email AJ at annajoysings@gmail.com with any questions and interest.