Trinity Wilmette fully embraces the belief that Christians are called in their faith to correct injustices of all kinds. Members of Trinity are involved with the New Trier schools’ anti-racism initiative Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROS) and join with other faith communities committed to addressing the legacy of racism on the North Shore. Any “ism” is destructive to community, and all those who observe or experience it are wounded by its continued presence. Help us confront racism and other “isms” that divide our community and make us all less than we could be. Contact Denny Roberts (robertsdenny860@gmail.com).
The most recent New Trier HERO book is Dr. Eddie Glaude’s We are the Leadership We Have Been Looking For.
For further reading:
- HEROES Newsletter – New Trier update on what’s happening in their anti-racism work
- Kendi – How to be an Anti-Racism
- McGee – The Sum of Us
- Jones – White Too Long
- Putnam – Upswing