This year’s theme is “Shining Our Light.” It reminds us that we must shine the light of Christ through our worship, welcome, and ministry to the wider community. How we use our time, talents, and treasure determines how brightly we are shining our light. Although the church has bills to pay, the focus of stewardship is helping people to grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their income. We are motivated to give generously for a variety of reasons:
On Sun., Nov. 10 at 3:00 p.m., join us in the Parlor for a Dessert Gathering (about one hour) with a brief inspirational presentation by Rev. Hope Chernich, along with conversation and fellowship with friends and members of Trinity Wilmette. Dessert will be provided. To RSVP, [click here].
A Special Worship on Sun., Nov. 17 at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Hope Chernich as our guest leader. This service will be available for you to join either in-person or online on Consecration Sunday. A Celebration Luncheon will follow in-person worship. We hope everyone in our church family will make plans to participate. To RSVP, [click here].
The Act of Consecration will be the high point of worship on Consecration Sunday, as each person or household will be given the opportunity to make an estimate of their giving for 2025. Since giving is an essential and spiritual part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, you should review how God has blessed you and consider what percentage of your income you will give to God. To make an estimate of giving, [click here].
To make giving easier, consider giving to Trinity Church by electronic funds transfer. Here’s the link to the form. Please complete and return it to the church office to the attention of Trinity’s Financial Secretary, Amy Reimer (amy@trinitywilmette.org). Contact Amy at 847-251-7333 x104 with questions regarding electronic funds transfer.