Dear Trinity Wilmette Friends,

Trinity Wilmette is a sanctuary of peace, a source of spiritual growth, and a supportive community where people like Rebeca Cardona Ufford find belonging and encouragement.  Through worship, relationships, and acts of service, Rebeca deepens her faith and actively contributes to the church’s mission.  Her giving of time, skills, and money is an expression of gratitude, helping Trinity Wilmette thrive and extend its impact beyond the church walls.

Take a moment to read about what motivates Rebeca in her own words, and then let your light shine!

Grace and peace,

What Trinity Wilmette Means to Me and Why I Contribute My Time, Skill, and Money

A Personal Reflection by Rebeca Cardona Ufford

The Significance of Trinity Wilmette in My Life
Trinity Wilmette is more than just a building or a place where I attend services on Sundays. It is a place of sanctuary where I find peace amidst the chaos of everyday life. It is a community where I feel a sense of belonging, a family bound by faith and love. The support I receive from Trinity Wilmette is profound and has shaped my values and my outlook on life.

A Source of Spiritual Growth
At the core of Trinity’s significance is its role in my spiritual growth. Through the sermons of our pastor, the communal worship, and communal events, I have developed a deeper understanding of my faith. The lessons I learn from my time with Trinity inspire me to live with compassion, kindness, and humility.

A Community of Support
Trinity Wilmette is also a vital source of support. It is a place where I have developed strong, meaningful relationships with fellow members. These relationships provide a network of care and encouragement, and practical support during life’s challenges. Whether it’s through encouraging words, or simple acts of kindness, the Trinity community has always been there for me, reinforcing the power of collective faith and love.

A Platform for Service
One of the most rewarding aspects of being part of Trinity Wilmette is the opportunity to serve others. Volunteering my time with Trinity is an investment in both my personal growth and the growth of the community. By participating in Trinity’s activities, committees, and events, I am actively involved in the life of the church. This involvement strengthens my sense of belonging and allows me to use my talents to serve others. Whether it’s helping with administrative tasks, organizing events, the time I spend volunteering enables me to put my faith into action and make a positive impact on the lives of others

Why I Contribute My Time, Skill, and Money
Contributing my time, skill, and money to Trinity is a natural extension of the gratitude and love I feel for this supportive community. It is my way of giving back to an organization that has given me so much. The contributions I make along with the contributions made by others in Trinity have a ripple effect that extends beyond the church walls. They help create a vibrant, thriving community that can reach out and make a difference in the wider world. Through our collective efforts, we can address social issues, provide for those in need, and spread the message of love and hope that is at the heart of our faith.