The Village has been working on ideas to improve traffic and bicycle use along Lake Avenue, including the intersection of Wilmette and Lake Avenues. As a church member and/or a resident of Wilmette, please examine the plans and send your comments to the Village team. You can find the plans at www. After viewing the plans, please submit your comments before July 2nd.
Three matters of interest:
- Parking on the north side of Lake Avenue is not assured for the future – unless we make it clear that the church needs that parking for school drop-off, special events (weddings, funerals, and concerts), and the Pumpkin Patch. Some of the options include banning parking on Lake Ave. to put in bike lanes. The option that preserves parking on the north side of Lake Ave is the best alternative for Trinity Wilmette.
- The Village is considering a new approach for the intersection of Lake and Wilmette — a roundabout instead of stop signs or stop lights. It could improve traffic flow, reduce accidents, and slow down traffic.
- Finally, please include in your comments a request that the Village install a flashing-light crossing system at our crosswalk on Wilmette Ave to the parking lot as a safety improvement. This technology is termed an RRFB* (please use this abbreviation in your message). This is a pedestrian-activated flashing light to alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians in the crosswalk. We have had recent accidents and near-misses at this crosswalk, so now is an excellent time to request such a device be installed.
Thank you for educating yourself on the proposal and sending comments that will help the Village make the right decisions!
Here’s a Sample Comment
I favor Option 3 with the roundabout. Please do not limit parking on the north side of Lake Ave. between Wilmette Ave. and 10th Ave. Street parking is essential for Trinity United Methodist Church and Trinity Church Nursery School. I would also request an RRFB to protect pedestrians crossing Wilmette Ave. between Trinity Church and the parking lot.
* RRFB stands for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon, a traffic control device that uses yellow LED lights to alert drivers and pedestrians of people crossing the street. RRFBs are often used at uncontrolled crosswalks and mid-block locations where there isn’t enough visibility for drivers, but a full traffic light isn’t necessary.